What's included in our Standard package?
Vehicle/Asset Management
Warranty Tracking
Service Code Management
Work Orders Management
Preventive Maintenance Schedule
Personnel Management
Pre-made & Custom Reports
Import & Export Text/PDF/Excel
PM & Email Reminders
Automatic Meter Data Import
User & Group Security
Microsoft SQL Server
Vehicle Management
Track your Vehicles and Assets through an intuitive and expandable user interface.
- Detailed Vehicle information with extra user-defined fields.
- Track mileage, hours, and more with multiple meters per Vehicle.
- Customize mileage entry requirements for improved data entry.
- Batch meter updating with easy to use interface.
- Vehicle Warranty tracking with reminders and service warnings.
- Attach documents and web links directly to Vehicles.
Work Order SystemImprove the efficiency of your Vehicles and track all of your repairs with detailed service and parts information.
- Manage your work flow with multiple statuses and dates/times.
- Easily add PM reminders and reported problems directly to work order.
- Instant warnings when reported problems and PM Services coming due.
- Record total hours with optional start/stop times for multiple technicians.
- Record detailed parts information and total costs.
- Apply service and parts fees based on percentage of total.
- Attach documents and web links directly to a work order.
Preventive Maintenance
PM Scheduling can calculate reminders based on meter readings, date intervals and maintain a list of services to be performed on your vehicles when their due.
- Organize recurring PM services to be performed on a specific schedule by Miles/KM, days, hours, or other type of meter.
- Create a PM schedule for a group of vehicles and assign the schedule to the entire group.
- Copy a PM schedule from one vehicle/equipment to another.
- Track a PM service by two meters (miles/hours/days/other).
- Warn when PM is coming due using the user defined perimeters.
- Link PM's that contain the same services so if one is performed the other will be rescheduled for a future date.
Service Codes & AssemblyApply Service codes used to define services performed. Save time finding the right parts and services when applying the service code links and parts assembly list.
- Add Service Codes globally across all sites.
- Build Service Classification codes and categories.
- Define a standard or service specific labor rate and hours.
- Reference list of parts assembly required for a service code.
- Service Code Link's other PM's so if one is performed the other will be rescheduled for a future date.
- Attach documents and web links directly to a Service Code.
Personnel Management- Employee information, type, status and hire date
- Driver license information and vehicles assigned
- Designate employee's to work orders and PO's
- Document attachments to employees
- Customer account and contact information
- Customer default parts markup and labor rate
- Assign customers to vehicles
- Construct work order invoices for customers
- Vendor account, warranty and contact information
- Designation of vendors to purchase orders and parts
- Specific vendor Reorder Formula trend for parts
- Document Attachments to Vendors
Access Asset Cost Reports And Other Fleet Intelligence Data From Over 80+ Reports To Assist In Making Critical Decisions.
- Expense reports to track the asset cost along with total asset meters record per job/project
- Life cycle reports for parts usage, fuel usage and more
- Asset cost per mile for a data range or life time
- Perform queries to filter reporting providing only information meeting specific criteria
- Run a Total Cost Report for the assets including the expenses